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UDAR’s editorial style guide is a blend of older UC Berkeley-specific style choices and other sources, many of which are outdated. In fall 2024, we began transitioning to the Associated Press Stylebook, the university’s foundational guide. This online guide covers editorial issues that are common in development communications, including academic terms, Athletics guidelines, university references, and a continuously evolving section on bias-free language.

University References

UC Berkeley, Berkeley, or Cal?

While our visual identity is moving toward greater alignment among various names, it is preferred that they remain separate in academic and athletics contexts.

First reference/academic:
University of California, Berkeley or UC Berkeley. Use the full name in formal instances, e.g., invitations, press releases, and certificates.

Second reference/academic: Berkeley or the university. Never capitalize university when used alone.

First reference/Cal Athletics: Cal or Berkeley. Athletics rarely uses UC Berkeley. See Athletics Style Guidelines.

Direct response marketing: Alternate between UC Berkeley and Cal in non-Athletics materials, and Cal and Berkeley in Athletics materials.

Do not use:

  • Cal Berkeley
  • University of California at Berkeley
  • U.C. Berkeley
  • U.C.-Berkeley
  • UCB
  • U.C.B.

UC Berkeley Branding

Visit for guidelines on UC Berkeley’s overall brand, including logos, icons, colors, typography, photography, and other useful resources.

Advancement branding differs slightly in that it has been designed specifically to resonate with donors and alums. It focuses on tradition and history, while still remaining contemporary and relevant, and utilizes a sophisticated color scheme, elegant typography, and the quiet gravitas of our seal. See the visual identity dropdown menu at

UC Berkeley Foundation

First reference: UC Berkeley Foundation (preferred) or University of California, Berkeley Foundation (formal, e.g., invitations and certificates)

Second reference: UCBF

Lowercase other references: the foundation, the board, the board of trustees, the trustees

The names of foundation committees are capitalized on first reference but lowercase in subsequent references (Finance Committee/the committee).

University of California

Abbreviate as UC; if confusion with UC Berkeley is likely, refer to the 10-campus UC system or the UC system. (Do not capitalize system.)

The University of California Office of the President may be abbreviated as UCOP (internally only).

  • The committee reviewed systemwide personnel policies.

Follow the same guidelines used for Berkeley for other UC campuses:

  • University of California, Davis

Abbreviate as:

  • UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UCSF, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz

University of California Board of Regents

First reference: University of California Board of Regents

Second reference: Board of Regents

Avoid other variations, including the UC Regents, the Board of Regents of the University of California, and the Regents of the University of California. Lowercase board and regents when not using the proper name.